S-2345 Mantleminder II - Glas-Col

The Mantleminder II is a 1/16 DIN, automatic, time proportioning control used with heating mantles, tapes, cords, small ovens and other resistive heating loads up to 2400W (240V). Very small loads may be easily protected by changing the fuse. The load and the thermocouple receptacles are located on the front panel for easy accessibility. Unit is furnished with type “J” immersion thermocouple with 6″ long stainless steel probe. Has ON/OFF power switch with auxiliary led indication, fuse protection, 3-wire load receptacle, and 3-wire line cord with molded plug. Mantleminder II is in a low profile cabinet that is 8″W x 6″D x 3-3/8″H.
Control Type :Time Proportioning.
Power Consumption : 4 watts plus the load